9/19/12: Local Conservationists Give to ARCI
After learning recently about ARCI's work and fund-raising challenges, the boards of Sanibel-Captiva Audubon Society (SCAS) and International Osprey Foundation boldly responded by posting a challenge grant and appealing to their members to contribute individual matching contributions. They quickly succeeded and, within a month, ARCI received $5,320 in very welcome support. By then, concerned members of Hernando Audubon Society (HAS) had already asked their board to do the same, resulting in an additional challenge/match contribution of $5,000. SCAS and HAS have now appealed to other Audubon chapters to follow suit.
We are very grateful to these hard-working
grassroots conservationists for their generous contributions, and we are
equally heartened by their encouragement. They deserve everyone's thanks for
their tireless conservation efforts at all levels. Please visit their websites
to learn what these dedicated volunteers are accomplishing.
Sanibel-Captiva Audubon Society: www.san-capaudubon.org
International Osprey Foundation: www.ospreys.com
Hernando Audubon Society: www.hernandoaudubon.org